Special Education/Student Services
Special Education means specifically designed instruction, at no cost to the family, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability from Pre-K through age 22.
Individual special education programs are cooperatively developed by an individual planning (IEP) team which includes parents, teachers, administrators and, when appropriate, other specialists.
The IEP team reviews an individual student’s functional and academic performance to develop appropriate individual long term goals and short term objectives for the child to achieve during a one-year period.
Project Child Find – Child Find
Project Child Find includes a screening to identify any educational or physical needs, which must be addressed to enable the child to fully benefit from an educational program.
Children with disabilities may have such needs, which can be addressed though the District’s Student Support Services. Child Find screenings are a joint effort by the Dillingham City School District and the Bristol Bay Native Association HeadStart.
Moving to the Dillingham School District
If you are still living out of state please call and talk the Director of Special Education 907-842-6723. If you have already relocated please bring a copy of your child’s IEP to the District Office.
“Requesting Special Education Records From Dillingham City Schools”
If you are another school district requesting special education records for a student who recently transferred from DCSD, please email requests to Special Education Department Email or contact our Special Education Department at 907-842-6723.

Building Bridges: Best In Sped
Transitional Services
Clinical Services: The Dillingham School District is building a broader team to span clinical; behavioral and mental health services for students with emotional, behavioral, and trauma health challenges. We are hiring a behavior specialist and clinical counselor, to add to our Climate & Culture Director and School Counselor services, while beefing up our Special Education team to provide a quality Tier 3 guidance for special services. We have the opportunity to now provide local and regional resources, and step-by-step supports, to families who are going through Medicaid and therapeutic treatment options for their child.
Early Identification: The Dillingham School District is building a strong relationship to collaboratively work with the Infant Learning Program, the tribal government, and Head-Start to bridge early childhood development with district services in order to offer each child a smooth transition to the Kindergarten environment. ChildFind in cooperation with HeadStart and the ILP helps to support this goal.
Exiting from SpEd: The Dillingham School District is exiting students from the special education program in the middle school and high school years due to academic achievement and family support, and then providing 504 accommodations to support students in this transition process. This is due to the level of special education services, the RTI support team, and differentiation in the classroom by caring instructors.
Adult Transitions: The Dillingham School District in collaboration with DVR/TVR (Dept. of Vocation Rehabilitation & Tribal Rehabilitation), are providing transitional services to move students from high school to educational and vocational opportunities.
Helpful Resources
Free Appropriate Public Education, FAPE
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act, FERPA
Dept. of Early Childhood Education, DEED AK SpEd
Transitional Resources: Department of Vacation Rehabilitation, Tribal Rehabilitation, DVR/TVR
Bristol Bay Native Association Programs for the Community
Kanakanak Clinic & Hospital, Dillinham
Hospital Information: PH: 907-842-5201 or 800-478-5201
Hours of Operation: 8:00am-5:00pm
Emergency Room and Inpatient Open 24/7
Infant Learning Program
P.O.Box 130 – Dillingham, Alaska 99576
Pre-K Programs & Milestones
Dillingham Head Start – BBNA
1500 Kanakanak Road
Dillingham, AK – 99576
(907) 842-4059
Alaska Center for Family Resources
DEED Alaska Parent’s Guidance Resource
Office of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome(s)
Office of OPA, Public Advocate
Office of Children Services, Regional