Human Resources
The Dillingham City School District is a wonderful place to work with its talented students and supportive community. If you are a prospective or current employee, please see below for additional information. For more information on living and working in our community click HERE
About Our Evaluation Model
Administrators will be evaluated based on the Marzano School Leadership Evaluation Model. Each administrator will complete a self-assessment with a professional growth plan by September 15th. Formative Check-in will be conducted in November and February. A summative evaluation will be completed by the administrator's direct supervisor after the completion of an Evaluation Conference in April. The summative evaluation will be completed no later than May 15th.
A complete explanation and timeline is available in the Dillingham Effective Leadership Support System (DELSS).
Teachers will be evaluated based on the Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Model. Each teacher will complete a self-assessment and identify a Professional Learning Goal no later than September 15. Non-Tenured Teachers and any teacher on a Plan of Improvement will complete two observation cycles each year. Tenured teachers will complete one observation cycle each year. Tenured teachers who have consistently scored “Proficient” during the previous two evaluation cycles may opt out of the evaluation protocol during a single year. Written requests to opt out for the school year must be submitted to the principal by the opening day of school; the opt-out schedule will be determined by the site principal based on previous evaluation outcomes. A
Classified Staff/Instructional Exempt Employees
Paraprofessionals will be evaluated annually based on the District’s Paraprofessional Performance Evaluation Tool. Throughout the year evaluators will observe and make note of classified staff’s work. Any issues will be addressed in a timely manner throughout the school year. In March, collaborating teachers will provide feedback to evaluators. In April, evaluators will meet with classified staff to collaborate on their evaluation and review teacher feedback. No later than April 30th each year a fully executed and signed evaluation will be submitted to the HR office.
Non-Instructional Exempt Employees
Exempt Employees will be evaluated using the District Office Team Annual Performance Evaluation Tool. In September, each District Office Team Member (DOTM) will schedule time with their direct supervisor to review/discuss the DOTM’s self-evaluation and annual goals. A formative check-in meeting will be scheduled with the DOTM’s direct supervisor in January of each year, and a Summative Evaluation Meeting will be held in April. The DOTM and evaluator will collaborate during the summative evaluation, after meeting the supervisor will record agreed upon scores and future goals set. The DOTM will then review the evaluation and sign. The completed and signed evaluation will be turned in to HR no later than the last day of school.
Certified Employment Application
Teachers applying for employment please fill out the information on the Alaska Teacher Placement – Employment Application
Classified Employment Application
Any one seeking a classified position of employment, fill this form out and return it to the Central Office
Voluntary Resignation Form
Please fill this form out if you plan to resign from your position
College Class Credit Approval
Use this form to gain pre-approval for class credit acceptance and payment
Drug Free Workplace Affidavit
This form is to have on file verifying that you have read, understand, and agree to comply with the district’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy
I-9 Form Website
This is the I9 form that is required to be completed before an employer can issue your pay
Previous Employment Verification
For those certified employees who have taught in another district, use this form to record your years of experience
W4 Website
One of two Federally mandated forms for new employees
Employee Report Of Occupational Injury
Complete this form and turn into your principal in case of illness or injury on the job
Teacher Evaluation
AR 4115
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Certified Bargaining Agrmt 2024-2027
Classified Bargaining Agrmt 2024-2027
Meritain Health Insurance Information
Health Plan Information
Travel Reimbursement Form
Wolverine Fitness Center
Wavier and Release of Liability